DAILY PONDER (Erased every 7 days):
JULY 1, 2024
Today, the nation saw a small group of unelected officials, with the majority having histories of unethical (lying during confirmation) and immoral (acceptance of gifts) behavior, certify the level of criminality first manifested and revealed in the presidency of Richard Nixon! While many Americans, due to the ignorance of American history, the ignorance of the Constitution, the lack of basic logic principles, and the unwillingness to protect democratic ideals and national traditions, will fail to see the negative results, consequences, and implications of this ruling! Millions of Americans will ignore the fact that SCOTUS has legitimized present and (potentially) future criminal activity by the President of the United States. This should not be a surprise as scientific studies, observations, and personal interactions have shown that these Justices have displayed propensities for unethical and immoral behavior, as well as support for partisanship demagoguery! Although many Americans will overlook these transgressions, the world is watching. And America’s reputation, status, and claims as the “leader of the free world” is clearly in question which will, in multiple ways, impact its political, social, and economic global standing! Such an impact will have a trickle-down effect on available jobs, salaries, and consumer product costs! This potential reality is, however, apparently what most voters desire. . .as expressed through their active (voting for the criminal party) and inactive participation in the constitutionally provided process!
JUNE 16, 2024
For every man who has rubbed a stomach to comfort the coming of a blossoming seed. . .while understanding that what is coming will be a flower, never a weed. . .For those who have awaken late at night to cradle, coddle, and feed. . .or to make time to take time to remove, clean, and wash a diaper’s need. . .
There are those who have always fulfilled duties of an effective and loving father. . .like realizing that a young child desiring to frolic, play, and hug is never a troublesome bother. . .that rushing to the door at the time “DAD” usually gets home is a sign of love and care. . .Indeed, it is a joyful manifestation of the hope that he will always be there. . .
As little ones grow older, the scraping of knees and sudden bruising are dealt with as a most serious matter. . .and there will be times when a grown man will sit at a doll’s table and engage in playful chatter. . .filling a small daughter with attention and amazement as he converses with plastic and wood. . .not because he’s crazy but because he’s playful and silly and knows that he should. . .
He will protect his children from the outside world as well as he can. . .disseminating wisdom with exclamations propelled by the strength of command. . .He will meet with teachers, ministers, friends, and parents of friends. . .seeking to provide proper guidance toward goals with happy and successful ends. . .
The parent-child relationship will change with the ravages of time and experiences. . .including situations and circumstances altered by complexity and seriousness. . .Good fathers, however, will continue to be a steady, stable, and grounding rock. . .preventing reality from being damaged by the continual grinding of the ever moving clock. . .
Sadly, too often, these genuine heroes never receive the desired award and accolade. . .with too many observers becoming less interested as the years accelerate and fade. . .Therefore, in a poetic and, hopefully, thoughtful way. . .let’s acknowledge their “greatness” on this special day. . .
JUNE 14, 2024
I have always been a Los Angeles Lakers Basketball Team fan. . .going back to when Rudy LaRusso and Elgin were main parts of the games’ plan. . .Jerry West was “Mr. Clutch,” with a jump shot surpassed by few. . .long before Wilt came along and showed what a great center allowed the team to do. . .However, these were just a few memories from my childhood days. . .Looking back, many heroes of my youth have journeyed to another phase. . .Walter Cronkite would anchor the evening news with neither opinion nor punditry. . .and film tape was used to present the viewing audience with what they were supposed to see. . . I remember Mr. Williams and Mr. Higgins from Murchison St. Elementary School. . .and, at Lincoln, Coaches Florian and Thompson cleared practices of childish acting fools. . .Jim Brown carried the football with speed and power. . .and Koufax and Drysdale seem to win games regularly “by the hour”. . . Many of my idols were well-known and famous, while others operated within “the community” . . .guiding and mentoring the children, being bold and fearless and demanding no immunity. . .Growing older, I became aware of the infinite numbers that followed and preceded zeroes. . .Traveling life’s pathways, I left behind and embraced old and new heroes. . .I learned lessons, of various magnitude from them all. . .indirect instructions and wisdom that enabled me to reach my Existence’s Fall. . .The minutes and hours have gained greater value with the passing of days. . .producing many faceted “treasures” beyond those molded by a stare or gaze. . .Listen and watch your heroes carefully and your living can be enhanced. . .much more than being enthralled by “good looks,” “fancy dress,” or a sensual prance. . .
JUNE 3, 2024
For all, the physical armor of their youth abandons them during the winter of their existence. . .For others, however, the brainpower, positivity, and spirit of said youth live on through the fading moments of their hibernal viability. . .
MAY 26, 2024
Looking back, I am appreciative that I enjoyed the life of a child. . .when even cognitive and emotional disturbance could be viewed as subtle, smooth, and mild. . .However, then, it was obvious that I lacked the experience to know “ best” and “better”. . .to dress appropriately and safely for the diversity of existence’s climates and weather. . .But the years have been kind, instructional, and revealing. . .disseminating lessons applicable for the ever expanding range of human feeling. . .which, like the spectrum of light viewed through the proper prism. . .displays the brilliant tenets of knowledge known as WISDOM. . .
May 24, 2024
One can grow tall, not at all, or wide. . .or happy, evil, smiley, or snide. . .It is possible to grow together, apart, or overly into oneself . . .and/or in such ways to be placed in a basement, in a valley, or on the highest shelf. . .”Growth” is a broad word with an even wider parameter of meaning and understanding. . .Too many people live their lives speaking it but lacking knowledge of its expansiveness, dimension, and demanding. . .qualities required for making “all things” grow. . .not just maturely and strongly but also fast and slow. . .The intelligent and wise are aware that random growth can be achieved through a fall, a slip, or a slide. . .but, if genuine positiveness, accomplishment, and achievement are the goals, there is a need for a plan, a strategy, or a guide. . .to determine its power, its fortitude, and how long it is likely to last. . .all qualities that can be effected, influenced, and impacted by the lessons and mistakes of the past. . .
MAY 20, 2024
Continuous, constant, and consistent law breaking DOES NOT make one a “LAW & ORDER” proponent. . .NOR does the continuous, constant, and consistent blaming of one’s wife for UNETHICAL, IMMORAL, OR UNPATRIOTIC TENDENCIES absolve a man, despite his WEALTH, INTELLIGENCE, STATUS, OR REPUTATION, OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, COMPORTENCE, OR PROPENCITIES! His actions, not how he is “supposed to be,” determine the nature, the quality, nor the value of his character! This information should be passed on to two of the current Justices on the SCOTUS, who have been provided the opportunity to engage in decision-making relating to the highest level of national laws. . .OR, are the citizens of the United States of America being subjected to low-level decision-making, logic, and morality. . .due to an over-emphasis, exaggerated sense of empowerment, and/or historically fantasized notion related to political partisanship. . .
MAY 19, 2024
Self-confidence, based on misinformation, inaccuracy, and fallacies, is inadequacy. . .not a basis for praise. . .However, the use of accurate information, logic, and researched analysis to develop and form foundations of self-confidence is likely to produce adequacy, competence, and success. . .qualities worthy of adoration, admiration, and praise. . .In a sense, create your praise by creating conditions, skills, and talents for being praised. . .
MAY 18, 2024
This man's only clearly defined ability is to kick an American football with a high degree of accuracy. . .which has naught to do with his ethics, his morality, nor his application of logic! Therefore, applauding his kicking skills does not carry over to his intelligence, intellectual capability, nor inability to escape the trappings of fallacious thinking, ignorance, and stupidity! It is his football ability that provides him with the income to place his wife in the situation where he praises most women! If he was a working middle-class individual, like most of those persons paying his salary, he would have a different perspective on the matter: undoubtedly welcoming the contribution of his wife to the family financial status. . .And his mother, given her occupation and position, should have done a better job of teaching him about the dangers, intricacies, and public humiliation of hypocrisy. . .
MAY 21, 2024
Individuals lacking the skills and the will to distinguish fact from opinion ARE NOT proper evaluators of what is “accurate,” “fake,” or “genuine” . . . They are not even “Pretenders to the Throne”. . . but are, instead, “Fakery on their own”. . .
MAY 15, 2024
What former President of the United States has been accused, by over 20 women of sexual harassment/rape? Why was this individual not constantly, consistently, and continually castigated, denigrated, and kept from the Oval Office when he brought several women, accusing former President Bill Clinton of sexual impropriety, to a debate with Hillary Clinton!
Why do most citizens and law enforcement authorities believe that repeated negative behavior, once discovered, proven, and/or revealed through legitimate/logical means, should be the basis for activity restrictions and/or incarceration? How does this correlate with the millions of Americans who, obviously, believe that such negative behavior are positive qualifications for the elected leader of the Free World?
MAY 14, 2024
During the next pandemic, let us ignore doctors and ask politicians for solutions! That was the desired response and reaction of millions of people during the COVID-19 Pandemic. . .due, primarily, to the acceptance of the nattering of politicians, pundits, and those wishing to expose millions of American citizens to misfortune and death. . . Despite their efforts, millions and millions of Americans were able to survive the ravages of a devastating virus. . .as were millions of others during widespread viruses throughout the 20th century due to the preparedness and efforts of government agencies and policies! However, like a plethora of Americans have often done, there are myriad citizens who have forgotten the beneficial lessons of the past provided by government services! It will be interesting to see how many supporters of the Maga-Minded will, directly and/or indirectly. fall victims to Trump’s public policy proposals? PONDER THE POTENTIAL STUPIDITY AND HOPE THAT SAID PLANS NEVER BECOME REALITY. . .See “Trump Threatens to Shut Down Pandemic Preparedness Office Launched by Biden”
MAY 13, 2024
What do you call an individual and/or group of individuals that has significantly contributed to the wealth and the fame of another person, who has consistently, constantly, and continually kept company with, seeks and provides counsel with, and promotes the interests of a specific individual or group of people intensely, extensively, and publicly undermining their rights, freedoms, and interests? First, one may wish to identify them. . .and, then, stop supporting the person who admires, exalts, and praises another who not only denigrates and stereotypes them while, at the same time, calling for their extermination. . .
It never ceases to amaze me that millions of people, complaining about the high costs of gas, groceries, and other products and services impacted by inflationary factors, actively praise, promote, and support individuals, politicians, and programs that increase said inflation—i.e., immediate deporting of low-wage laborers who keep the costs of food low, offering tax incentive “bribes” to oil industry executives for political support, etc. They promote the causes of their complaints. . .and are unwilling to realize, acknowledge, or “do anything” about it. . .
MAY 12, 2024
Accolades are to be given to those who constantly, consistently, and continually display the highest values and character. . .using the wisdom of great philosophers, the patience of saints, and the oratorical logic of history’s acclaimed barristers. . .They make important decisions on a daily basis throughout decades of trials, tribulations, triumphs, and successes. . .settling disagreements, calming emotions, placating anxiety and frustrations, and controlling excesses. . .Supervising the growth of their children and grandchildren in events, situations, and circumstances untold. . .they find it necessary to be compassionate, gentle, and kind while, at the same time, being assertive, aggressive, and bold. . .From leaving the womb, through childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and all living years that unfold. . .mothers treat their sons, daughters, granddaughters, and grandsons as living embodiments of diamonds and gold. . .In many cases, the seeds of their seeds are held in the highest esteem and placed on a pedestal with the loftiest treasures. . .and the love that is fostered, promoted, and revealed cannot be described as one would the most exquisite of pleasures. . .There are those believing that such milestones can be rewarded with thoughts and words that are praiseworthy and dear. . .failing to realize that years of accomplishments and achievements can never be adequately lauded with just one day of the year. . .
MAY 11, 2024
They have been lucky, fortunate, and blessed. . .All of which can be enhanced, fostered, and manifested with motivation, dedication, and hard work in designing and accomplishing tasks. . .leading to the achieving of desired goals and the fulfillment of dreams. . .And knowing what you want and wanting what you have must be discerned and determined, if you are to secure either. . .
MAY 10, 2024
“What lies beyond the sky and the stars do not limit the imagination of the possibilities that exist there. . .Think BIG, Dream BIG, Achieve BIG. . .Your imaginative capacity, capability, and potential are as boundless as you allow, foster, and permit! Enhance your existence, your reality and, of course, your fantasy. . .to create happiness, find serenity, and achieve success. . .”
MAY 9, 2024
Do uneducated, untrained, ignorant, and politically ideological parents have the RIGHT to have their children taught by uneducated, untrained, ignorant, and politically ideologically instructors? This was the foundational approach in which American public schools once operated. . .Until it was determined and decided that NATIONAL UNITY should be the goal of the national educational system because UNITY was more likely to result in a stronger nation—economically, politically, and socially! HISTORY indicated that said decision was accurate as the United States grew to be the international leader in economics, politics, and social advancement!
It is interesting, however, that there are millions of American parents who believe that this UNITY can be fostered, maintained, and promoted by allowing the development of myriad writing styles, mathematical instruction, scientific method applications, historical research, and economic approaches! Again, this was once the reality in American schools, and during that period, America was not at the global apex of developed nations! HOWEVER, consistent with the TRUTH that STUPIDITY is repeatedly doing the same thing, while expecting different results,” millions of Americans believe that returning to a period of DISUNITY will, somehow and someway, produce positive results. . .
MAY 8, 2024
The short memories of its citizens will accelerate the demise of the great American democratic experiment. . .that has held so much hope, promise, and success for the world!
There was a time in America (including the longed and hoped for 1950’s desired by so many of the Maga-Minded) when a man whose “business” has been exposed like that of Donald Trump would have been shunned by the vast majority of citizens, church officials, parents, and law enforcement personnel! Now, however, despite public knowledge of the existence of this information for almost a decade, the man with the publicized “business” has not only served as the President of the United States but is, currently, the Republican candidate for said presidency.
The “ business,” involving widespread unethical and immoral behavior, comportment, and activity of the highest order, has (by millions of people) been dismissed as considerations and qualifications for representing, symbolizing, and manifesting the ideals associated with the United States of America! The national past is filled with individuals who have been removed from local, national, and specific occupational considerations for “better” operational qualities than the immediate former President of the country.
Apparently, a person who sought to embarrass and to belittle, castigate, and denigrate a political opponent, is now considered worthy of returning to a position that he held less than 4-years ago. . .when he served as an international symbol of incompetence, evil, and policy ignoramus, including an unprecedent increaser in the national debt, the greatest loss of jobs within a presidency, and scorn of allies.
Short national memories, obviously, can have long term, long range, and long time effects. . .even when those responsible for politically creating, fostering, and promoting the “mechanism” for the negative and deadly results, consequences, and implications of these effects!
We are still falling. . .Ponder. . .
MAY 7, 2024
When I was a child children, including teenagers, who voluntarily “acted out,” “misbehaved,” “refused to follow instructions,” “felt no need to abide by social norms,” “unable to learn from past errors,” or “repeating ‘the same’ mistakes or “bad behavior,”,” were labeled as “bad-ass kids” OR “hard-headed”: on the other hand, those who were involuntarily incapable of “following instructions,” abiding by various/selected social norms,” or “behaving” were called “dumb,” “stupid,” or “crazy.”
Now, as a mature adult, I know that the latter group of children has been researched, studied, and analyzed, and concluded to be characterized by various behavioral disorders with foundations of biological and sociological frameworks and processes! However, I have concluded that the former group of children has characteristics that have become part of sociological and behavioral comportment manifestations of myriad American adults who can appropriately be referred to as “MAGA-MINDED”. . .individuals who constantly, consistently, and continually project, promote, and foster a danger to self, family, and country without regard to personal, societal, and national consequences, implications, and indications. . .including the CIVIL WAR, which resulted in the death of more Americans than any other war in history. . .
MAY 4, 2024
LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME THAT there are times when a single WORD, MOVEMENT, or LACK OF ACTION can change the course of a situation, circumstance, or event. . .which, in turn, can change the course of one’s life. . .imagined, desired, and/or planned. . .
MAY 3, 2024
THE INTELLECTUALLY SLOTHFUL: People, proven time-and-again, to have embraced and transmitted misinformation…but continue to do so. . .and seek to justify their anti-intellectualism, ignorant, and/or stupidity based on their “right” to “be that way”. . .
MAY 2, 2024
. . .a nation that lacks the intelligence, the memory, and/or the logic to avoid a situation that almost destroyed it. . .despite being advised, informed, and warned that it is on the same path that led to the previous Civil War? Is this an example of “Exceptionalism” or “Egotism”—believing that it’s “specialness” will prevent it from succumbing to the destructive factors that have defeated great civilizations of the past. . .In other words, a nation that believes it is beyond the cause-and-effect factors proven by historical fact?
MAY 1, 2024
A Facebook post is a construct that should be properly analyzed to determine its accuracy or falsity. . .not words to be immediately accepted as “accurate,” “truthful,” or “honest”. . .The nature, quality, and reputation of the source, however, has implications for acceptance. . .or rejection. . .The process of “immediate acceptance” seems to be a mainstay of individuals who make use of an intellectually inferior statement indicating that their accuracy, honesty, and proof is based solely on “their truth,” “their research,” or “their reality”. . .despite the fact that all of their “theirs” are contradictory to, unaccepted by, and unsupported by society, intellectual individuals, and logic!
However, the nation is filled with a plethora of individuals and groups. . .who, at this point in time, constitute the MAGA-MINDED—people who are easily led astray by a man who plans to deny them the freedoms that they believe he is promising them and their children. .
APRIL 30, 2024
I am against hatred in all forms—speech, comportment, behavior, action, thought, and philosophy! However, I find it illogical and hypocritical for the plethora of American politicians, pundits, media personalities, and ministers decrying the hatred directed at a specific group, country, and/or individual while intensely, loudly, and persistently promoting the “right” to personal, media, political, and religious hate speech. . .going as far as admiring, following, praising, and voting for politicians who have manifested said speech on a constantly, consistently, continually, and voluntarily basis. . .and seeking to masquerade their shamelessness, bigotry, and disingenuousness with a simple “that’s not what it is”!
APRIL 29, 2024
APEX H(ypocrisy)
It is interesting how elected politicians, political appointees, and pontificating pundits admiring, praising, and heroizing individuals who terrorized, threatened, and criminalized members of Congress during the January 6 Insurrection, are so aggressive, energized, and vehement about punishing current student protests on American college campuses. . .Demanding, in some cases, that the President use the National Guard to confront, arrest, and imprison said students!
Amazingly, millions of Americans are unable to distinguish between the purposes of the two sets of protests! While both groups may be disruptive to the societal norm related to the constitutional right permitting “peaceful protest,” the actions, intent, and goal of one of the groups was designed to prevent the continuation of even the most peaceful assemblies historically allowed under the U.S. Constitution!
APRIL 28, 2024
LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME THAT where you ARE is usually “better” than where you ARE FROM but not necessarily as “good” as where you ARE GOING. . .depending on your motivation, dedication, and will-power necessary to complete the tasks required to achieve the goals for reaching, maintaining, and enhancing the desired level of success. . .
APRIL 27, 2024
. . .is it that a man, serving as the core of multiple criminal indictments and convictions, has not been subjected to (1) arrested and/or convicted because of behavior/actions related to his involvement in/with said convictions?
. . .is that said individual, with a long history of unethical, immoral, and criminal comportment, be considered as “qualified” to hold the highest elected position in the country?
. . .is that the admirers, supporters, and voter of and for this individual excuse these negative acts and behaviors while professing to be advocates of the Christian 10 Commandments which, clearly, confine such acts and behaviors as sins to be avoided by the Christian faithful?
GIVEN these observations, together or separately, what do they indicate about the character of the country?
APRIL 26, 2024
Another disturbing sign that America is “dumbing down” was revealed yesterday at the SCOTUS hearing on former President Trump’s claim of absolute immunity! There were, of course, multiple historical, legal, and logical issues related to the core matter---from the American Founding Fathers’ repeated statements against a government festering in monarchal authoritarianism to the illegality of insurrection! However, what stood out in glowing, brilliant, and highlighted glare were statements by Justices of the SCOTUS indicating that they WERE NOT CONCERNED with FACTS related to the case at hand! Apparently, like so many millions of the MAGA-MINDED, the rightwing Justices have forsaken the value of FACTS for HYPOTHETICAL SPECULATION and ASSUMPTIVE OPINION. . .PONDER the current and future implications of this reality for the country. . .
APRIL 25, 2024
Who would have ever imagined that the United States of America would have returned (days of Colonial America and backward regions of the nation) to a time when the analyses, applications, and processing of educated, trained, and practiced expertise would be cast aside for the hunches, guesses, and opinions of power-seeking political opportunists?
Yesterday, the country witnessed testimony before the SCOTUS where lawyers sought to convince judges (also lawyers) that the lawyers KNOW BETTER than MEDICALLY trained and experienced doctors about the dangers of upholding a law restricting MEDICAL procedures related to feminine sexual functions! During the testimony, the 4 female SCOTUS Justices asked questions that were based on and related to their realities as women! The male SCOTUS Justices, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the experiences of their female colleagues and, therefore, spent the bulk of their time posing generalized, philosophical, and legal queries that were tangentially at best, and minimally, at best, related to an existence that they have never/can never experience! The Idaho Deputy Attorney General even admitted that the law in question would legally allow for a woman to lose an “organ” rather than have an emergency room physician perform surgery to prevent said loss!
The current SCOTUS has shown a disdain for expertise in several major cases related to their rulings! For example, HISTORY was used, in part, to justify the end of WADE! However, as none of these Justices were/are historians, nor (obviously) have Clerks that were/are historians, the historical “justification” cited in support of the ruling amounted to “miss-justification” as it included references to Colonial American Ministers who believed in witchcraft and the second-class citizenry of women! The Justices also made rulings curtailing the CLEAN WATER ACT, despite the research and analysis of experts in the field; and they have refused to implement a code of ethics consistent with that of other judges, despite the violation of common-sense ethical and moral practices!
As these individuals grow bolder and bolder in pushing aside the conclusions of experts, the greater the inaccurate, ignorant, and stupid the foundations of national legal perspectives will become. . .and the greater these negatives will permeate throughout the society!
APRIL 24, 2024
LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME THAT too many people see, hear, and comprehend what is desired, instead of what is actual, accurate, and factual. . .often, for selfish purposes including the confirmation of existing biases, failure to admit a past error in judgement, or to create a reality consistent with their fantasies, imagination, and dreams. . .
APRIL 23, 2024
LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME THAT where you ARE is usually “better” than where you ARE FROM but not necessarily as “good” as where you ARE GOING. . .depending on your motivation, dedication, and will-power necessary to complete the tasks required to achieve the goals for reaching, maintaining, and enhancing the desired level of success. . .
APRIL 22, 2024
LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME THAT regret wastes time, effort, and energy. . .for you do not have the power to return to the moment of its inception to modify the factors birthing the incident, situation, or circumstance. . .However, never forgetting its lessons, and using them while moving forward on the chosen or desired pathways of existence and reality, will serve as appropriate guidelines for a better future. . .
APRIL 21, 2024
There comes in time in everyone’s life. . .when he or she can no longer explain the intricacies of daily turmoil and strife. . .when messages, spoken and unspoken, have meanings unable to flow. . .and can only be transmitted through act and show. . .
APRIL 20, 2024
APRIL 19, 2024
The history of humankind is filled with myriad inconsistencies in behavior, perspectives, and thought! And, despite changes in climate, innovation, and technology, these inconsistences have remained major characteristics of human evolution and progress . . .no matter how much better informed, no matter how much more advanced life becomes, and no matter how much further homo-sapiens explore and travel! These inconsistencies have been consistent in that they can be found in every culture, every geographical location, and among all ages and genders: humans are consistent in being inconsistent! Spiritually, these inconsistencies have received their own label: hypocrisy—a term designed to shame individuals into becoming consistent. . .but one that has, historically, failed in varied situations, circumstances, and activities!
PONDER the possibility of humans overcoming this pattern of behavior. . .or the consequences of them being unable to do so!
Human Consistency
APRIL 18, 2024
We have allowed ourselves to become a country led by the ignorant, the illogical, the stupid, and the unpatriotic-masquerading as “the patriotic”!!! Think about the fact that a former President-- possessed of these qualities plus healthy doses of deceit, immorality, and criminality—is in a potentially close political contest to return to the presidency!
Taking this into consideration, along with an existing Speaker of the House of Representatives colluding with said former President to concoct policy and to negatively impact government operations, intelligent citizens should be aware of the dangerous edge of tyranny upon which the nation finds itself perched! Of special importance and danger is that the Speaker is 3rd in succession to the presidency—meaning that if tragedy was to visit President Biden and Vice-President Harris, a genuine ideologue, ignoramus, hypocrite, and liar would—legally—replace the current occupant of the Oval Office! PONDER the greatness of the dangers associated with “treason from within”. . .not the “terrorism from without”. . .
APRIL 17, 2024
Throughout their lifetimes of experiences—failures, successes, and daily interactions—conmen have learned a simple lesson for taking advantages of circumstances, situations, and people: When you find a “SUCKER”— LICK IT TO THE STICK, UNTIL ALL THE CANDY HAS GONE. . .
APRIL 16, 2024
Too many self-proclaimed “patriots of Cold War America” have become today’s “Titans of Treason”: by embracing authoritarianism and its advocates! Proof? Admiration, praise, and voting for an individual who admires, praises, and promotes the application and implementation of the “advocates’” principles and policies. . .Research Vladamir Putin’s role in the Cold War! PONDER. . .
APRIL 15, 2024
America has reached such a low point in status where millions of its citizens are promoting an individual, with a long history of criminal, unethical, and immoral behavior, for the presidency of the United States! Multitudes of citizens, most claiming to be ethical, moral, and religious, have persistently overlooked the constant, consistent, and continual 10 Commandment violations of this individual as he seeks to return to a position where he created daily chaotic events, myriad international crisis, and the only President who lost more jobs than gained during an Administration! These are people who, for the most part, will attend church on a consistent basis and proclaim that they believe in the “word of the Bible” but, at the same time, idolize a person who has been proven to be unworthy of that they say that they “stand for.” HYPOCRISY RULES. . .PONDER THE START OF TODAY’S TRIAL. .
APRIL 14, 2024
The sun and you provide the sunshine in your life each and every day. . .Even when the sun does not appear your inner brilliance can show you the way. . .to make seedlings grow, flowers bloom, and trees sprout tall. . .during all times of the year—winter, spring, summer, and fall. . .So keep your internal furnace lit and warm enough to shine forth with its brightest glow. . .to guide you through any shadows or darkness that may from time to time flow. . .through the pathways, byways, and highways that you will travel throughout life. . .Indeed, you have a great deal with handling your lifespan’s turmoil and strife. . .Blaming the clouds, the night, the rain, and the hail or the snow. . .for preventing clarity simply means that you are unaccepting of what the wise and the successful know. . .that individuals learn how to finetune their self- illuminance whenever and wherever they desire to go. . .
APRIL 13, 2024
It is amazing how ignorant, ideological, and stupid politicians can treat their audience in a manner that enhances these qualities in apex fashion! However, it has worked for decades and continues to do so—including in ways like the comedic notions of “selling ice to Eskimos” and “selling sand to desert-dwellers.” In this case, however, it involves convincing genuinely stupid people that there is a need to pass a law to fix a non-existent problem because said law has existed for 28 years!
THE FACTS: “The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 explicitly prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections. This law applies to all states, and any noncitizen who votes in violation of this law could face fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility, and deportation123.
It’s essential to recognize that only American citizens are allowed to vote in elections for Congress and the President. While some cities in California, Maryland, and Vermont permit noncitizens to vote in local elections (such as for mayor or city council), this does not extend to federal elections4.
In summary:
Noncitizens cannot legally cast ballots in federal elections.
Registering or voting as a noncitizen is a deportable offense.
APRIL 12, 2024
…..the man you allow—by either voting for him or by abstaining from voting—to become President and when he begins to
1. Increase the costs of products by raising tariffs on imported goods (known as “higher inflation”). . .
2. Lay off Civil Service workers to be replaced with those loyal to him and his sense of ethics and morality. . .
3. Weaponize the Department of Justice and the federal courts based on loyalty to him, and not on certified education, training, and practice, with dedication to applying the “rule of law”. . .
4. Arrest individuals who have shown a propensity for protecting and promoting rights and liberties for all citizens—not just those deemed loyal to him. . .
5. Establish a national abortion ban, national voting suppression practices, and national propaganda program disguised as “patriotic education”. . .
6. Weaken national security by failing to protect classified information, creating mistrust among allies by presenting classified documents to friends, family, and acquaintances, and forcing allies to mistrust the sharing of classified information with American intelligence agencies by passing on said information with anyone he pleases. . .
. . .It is important to remember that these are all plans that he has publicly, loudly, and repeatedly announced for a second term. . .AS WELL AS ACTIONS HE TOOK DURING HIS FIRST TERM IN OFFICE. . .
APRIL 11, 2024
Individual American citizens, favorably responding to the MAGA query “Are you better now than you were 4-years ago,” are either ignorant, stupid, or just plain hypocritical! Millions of citizens can’t be so ignorant or so stupid to have forgotten what was taking place in America in 2020: over 50,000 deaths related to COVID and an unemployment rate of 13.0% for most of the year (easing to 6.7 in the 4th quarter)!
It is, however, obvious that these people practice selective memory when dealing with that time! Because, while expressing forgetfulness related to deaths from COVID and the high unemployment rate, they remain aware of the requirement for wearing facial masks to prevent spreading COVID viruses, the shutting down of thousands of businesses, dead bodies left in refrigerated units in hospital parking lots, the closure of public and private schools, etc. THEREFORE, it is obvious that they have not forgotten 4-years ago. . .and the results of Trump’s policies!
HOWEVER, their intent and practice has been to remember what they wish to remember. . .and to forget what they wish to forget! SOUNDS LIKE_________TO ME; or, perhaps, it’s __________, __________, __________. . .PONDER!
APRIL 10, 2024
Interesting that the millions of Americans (rightfully) criticize the food-shortage-starvation-famine situation impacting children and young people in Gaza. . .but most of these individuals having little to say about the food-shortage-starvation-famine type situation in so-called “Pro-Life” controlled American states impacting millions of children and young people. . .They are more “Pro-Birth” and “Anti-Life” than they are willing to admit. . .and they are too ignorant, too illogical, and/or too hypocritical to realize the unethical and immoral basis for their position. . .
APRIL 9, 2024
It is an interesting time to be alive! It appears that we are on the cusp of a new, more dangerous "age". . .as we have repeatedly throughout the planet’s eons! Having studied history for a plethora of years, I never thought that I would see such an era. However, many authors, philosophers, and pundits of the past have warned us about such times and their periodic arrivals . . .Humankind, however, never heeds nor learns from the prophetic imaginations, reasonings, nor analyzations of those from the past with visions that eclipse of the unknown boundaries of the future! Being in the “Winter of my years,” I can only imagine what awaits the children and grandchildren of today. . .who will be required to live out the results, consequences, and implications of their parents and grandparents—many who have lied about caring for their children and grandchildren, despite their insistence to be dedicated to providing a “better future for those to come”. . .
APRIL 8, 2024
“You don’t know everything!” or “He thinks he knows everything” are statements that have been used by individuals to criticize, belittle, and downgrade the scope of my education, training, instructional experience, and scope of knowledge! These ad hominem attacks no longer upset me as I realize that they have NOTHING to do with the accuracy and logic of my analyses, positions, or statements!
I also find it interesting that these people never claim, implicate, or prove that said information is, in fact, incorrect or illogical! However, they are willing to use fabrication, falsification, and disinformation to “prove me wrong”. . .Usually by using “something they heard on the radio or from a friend or from an acquaintance,” instead of “something” from an individual with research skills, educational training, and/or extensive intellectual interactions with knowledgeable people from diverse fields of study! My education, training, and classroom experiences within a range of myriad subject matters have taught me that it is OK to admit that “I don’t know” or “I will research that and get back to you!” What is almost comical, however, is that when I have made such statements those that they were directed toward showed a propensity to forget that they were made! Whose fault is that. . .?
Socrates suggested that one of life’s greatest lessons is that wise individuals realize how little they know. . .and I, in fact, know very little! However, I do know how to research, to analyze, and to draw logical conclusions. . .and possess the motivation, the dedication, and the will to use them to “know all that I can know.” I will not apologize for that. . .
APRIL 7, 2024
Belief in oneself should be greater than it is for other human entities. . .and should not be faked or masqueraded as other identities. . . Hone your introspective skills to the highest level. . .down so far you can go no further with your intellectual and moral shovel. . .But no matter how deep you can go. . .always remember that there is much that you still don’t know. . .and that it is necessary to enhance your skills as your exposure and experiences grow. . . continuing to deny you to surpass the speed of the global intelligence flow. . .Therefore, the goal should be certain that that you have done the best that you can. . .to motivate and dedicate yourself to become the best possible woman or man. . .
APRIL 6, 2024
Interesting that the millions of Americans (rightfully) criticize the food-shortage-starvation-famine situation impacting children and young people in Gaza. . .but most of these individuals having little to say about the food-shortage-starvation-famine type situation in Republican controlled American states impacting millions of children and young people. . .
APRIL 5, 2024
History has taught us that EVIL men do not joke about their intent, plans, and purposes. . .However, those most likely to be negatively impacted by their behavior, comportment, and actions are USUALLY the quickest to forget the lessons that have been taught. . .and repeatedly practiced throughout human existence. . .Therefore, they suffer, forget, complain, and suffer infinitum. . .
APRIL 4, 2024
Where is Trump, his status, and/or his followers mentioned in either the OLD or the NEW TESTAMENT?
Where is Trump mentioned, in any of the GOSPELS, as equivalent to or a successor to Jesus. . .or as the SON/REPRESENTATIVE OF GOD?
Jesus Christ “died for you” by living a life of sin—a living contrast/contradiction to the 10 Commandments and all other biblical dictates?
What “miracles” have Trump performed—when, where, and why?
Jesus healed “every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people” (Matt. 4:23; cf. 15:30–31), including congenital disabilities (John 9; Mark 7:32–35); chronic, medically hopeless cases (Luke 8:43–47); and cases of severe demon possession (Mark 5:1–16). Trump, I remember, made COVID-19 worse. . . WHY DIDN’T DONALD USE HIS POSITION AND POWER TO HEAL. . .INSTEAD OF MAKING MATTERS (RELATED TO COVID) WORSE?
APRIL 3, 2024
If an individual admits that another person is a liar, a thief, unethical, and genuinely evil. . .
If another individual admits that that same person is a liar, a racist, and immoral. . .
But both individuals, despite proof to substantiate their positions, insist that they will help to place the individual in question in a position to taint, tarnish, and terrorize citizens, on a national level, with said intent! How should they be evaluated? Not at all because to do so would represent “guilt by association” or, as colleagues, culprits, supporters of the individual’s evil intent, goals, and purposes. . .like the two sets of individuals do when they speak of “Nazis,” “sinners,” and “traitors”????
APRIL 2, 2024
Falsified, fabricated and unreported data is potentially dangerous to ANY situation!
Does consistently, constantly, and continually enabling and supporting a liar. . .make you a liar. . .
Hypocrite or fool: acknowledging H1N1and Ebola as pandemics but then crying “hoax” and “fake” for the more infectious COVID-19!
When TRUTH comes to light. . .closing one’s eyes will not make it disappear. . .
Denial, in the face of facts and reality, is abnormal psychological functioning. . . Continuous repetition of “America is not like that” . . .means that “America IS like that!”
“That’s my opinion” neither supersedes nor erases “false,” “dishonest,” and/or “fallacious.”
When ad hominem, ad ignorantiam, and Strawman are one’s principal logical perspectives—there is a need for reassessment, reevaluation, and reeducation. . .
APRIL 1, 2024
What has puzzled me immensely—since 2016—have been people my age who continually express fear of the Russians. . .while, at the same time, have their mouths squarely on the butts of Donald Trump and his minions, with no idea of the ignorance, stupidity, and dissonance associated with their position. . . Never realizing that genuine patriotism is properly identified, practiced, and promoted—not merely idealized, pronounced, and pontificated. . .
As a poet, it is my desire to “tell stories” and to have people listen to and learn Life’s lessons associated with their messages! Therefore, I have created several specific poems that I have labeled STORITRIES--A Storitry is a story/tale told through poetry (stori-tree). Because the volume of my poetry is so vast, it is all but impossible to display them all. For those interested in enjoying “the flow of words that spread ideas, notions, thoughts, and lessons,” I have taken snippets from several of my storitries and collections to present as a "taste of viewing" for poetry lovers!
The books will be on sale, via Spotify, starting on April 1, 2023 —along with a revision of THE WEIGHING GAME and my most recent two PERSPECTIVES FROM A BOYLE HEIGHTS CHILDHOOD!
Cost per book/volume is $15.00, including tax and standard postage
An American Fool at the Gates of Heaven
Book of Mothers' Poems
Christian Time: The Poetic Calendar
"I AM" Poems, Volumes 1 - 4
I AM RONA (Poetic Historical and Medical View of a Virus)
In God's Universe
Journey: From Africa to America
Lessons from Life's Road: Pondering, Punditry, and Poetic Wisdom of a Traveler, Volumes 1 - 5
Love's Poetic Expressions, Volumes 1 - 3
Perspectives from a Boyle Heights Childhood
The Serpent Seed (The Age of Trump in America)
The Weighing Game (Prioritizing Your Thoughts and Ethical Concerns)
Thoughts & Notions 1, 2
For the previews, please see below:
Poetic Presentations of Emotions, States of Being, and Conceptual Constructs #1
King E. Carter
I AM. . . . .
I am the roughness of hands resulting from a hard day’s work. . .a feeling of satisfaction from knowing that I helped numerous individuals as a service clerk. . .
I am a fireperson constantly training to save property and lives. . .I am the admiration attached to the cooking of tasty chicken and fries. . .
I am a policeman who has properly internalized what it means to protect and serve. . .a professional football player with talent, speed, and nerve. . .
I am a teacher who enjoys positive interaction with a range of motivated students each day. . .a college professor, promoting logical and intellectual listening and say. . .
I am a minister who speaks and acts out the biblical teachings that I expect others to follow. . .I am the “bigger person” who can forgive words and feelings that I am forced to swallow. . .
I am the parents who have done, who does, and who will do all that they can. . .to make sure that their children become the best possible woman or man. . .
I am the supervisor who does what is necessary to motivate and to implore. . .that workplace personnel align “best” with “more”. . .
I am the business owner with knowledge that a well-cared for employee. . .will be more productive than one treated as if he or she should beg to work for free. . .
I am a student seeking to improve my social-economic status. . .despite, often times, being forced to work without appropriate learning supplies and technical apparatuses . .
I am a single mother, working hard to provide for me and mine. . .so happy that my parents helped me to develop the proper spine. . .to accept my responsibilities as the head of a household. . .and care for my children with necessary actions ranging from calm, sophisticated, and bold. . .
I am a father with a wife I have loved loyally, faithfully, and dearly. . .and, for years, have provided for my family with caring actions continuously and sincerely.
Do you possess the ability, the dedication, and the motivation to reach inside of my written word. . .to grasp, to feel, and to absorb what I meant to be heard. . .?
Not what you think I said or meant. . .but to receive the actual meaning of what I sent. . .the essence and the core. . . nothing less but the consequential more. . .
Letters written on papers are designed to symbolize that which flows from one’s brain, one’s mind. . .to travel into the ears of another, hoping that they will find. . .what was conceived to be. . .what the eyes can see. . . into the hidden niches of the cognitive process. . .that only you and you alone have permission to access. . .where lies the foundation for notions and actions related to giving and caring. . .manifesting a desire for passion and excitement, as well as adventure and daring. . .with another, for a lover, for extended periods of time, at various locations. . .readily showing concern and appreciation, without instigations or provocations. . .
If so, one is now within the spheres of love and loving, headed toward the citadels of fidelity and loyalty. . .which lie beyond wanting to place one on a pedestal or to treat like royalty. . .
You are, finally, connected to another, in a most special and genuine way. . .It is here, on this plateau, that you will truly know and understand what my words have to say. . .
I am a TEAR. . .and I can be accompanied by emotions ranging from “happiness” to “fear” . . .
I am produced by a gland found within the confines of the face. . .and, depending upon the stimulant, can flow at either a fast or slow pace. . .
Many times, I appear when an event has been sad. . .but, I also come forth when circumstances are happy and glad. . .
When someone dear passes away, transitions to the other side. . .I can roll down one’s cheeks in narrow streams or in tracks that are wide. . .
The speed is determined by the turmoil within one’s head. . .but the pumping is powered by what is seen and what is said. . .and, in these situations, no matter how hard I may try. . .it is not always possible to prevent the relief that is a cry. . .
There are, however, other occasions when I come forth because of love, joy, or happiness in one’s heart. . .I can run down one’s face like a professional race-car at the beginning of its start. . .to drip below and land on one’s clothes or on the ground at one’s feet. . .At times of quiet one might be able to hear the drip-drip beat. . .which begins hard and very fast. . .before slowing down, steadily, but with no indication of how long my run will last. . .
There are other times when I travel south. . .that I stop for a bit and leave my taste in your mouth. . .
A bit salty, I have heard many individuals say. . .as they, unconsciously, use their tongues to lick the remnants of where I lay . . .
I am merely here to defend myself as a diverse and flexible element of existence. . appearing with sadness, gladness, happiness, success, and persistence. . .
I have been around for time unknown. . and, whenever and wherever one finds human interaction --I will be shown. . .
Poetic Reflections on the Roles, Power, and Prestige of Mothers
King E. Carter
From sun-up to sun-down, from can see to can’t see. . .Only the foolish would ask where a mother would be. . .
In the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom, taking out the house trash or picking it up from the yard. . .doing everything she’s expected to do ---always working very hard. . .
The baby’s diaper needs to be changed, and the six-year old has cut his hand. . .And, a minute later, the 16-year-old niece calls - because she just can’t understand -
Why her aunt’s sister and brother-in-law treat her as if she’s a child? Only her aunt, it seems. Knows that she was raised properly and can’t possibly be wild. . .
Her mother-in-law calls to chit-chat and to see how the grandchildren are doing. . .and, also to discuss the “soaps” and who her favorite actor is presently wooing. . .
My - how the time flies when she has so much to do. . .it seems as if she just woke up, but already it’s fifty minutes after two. . .
Not much longer before it’s time to start preparing dinner. . .and, after a short-nap,
She awakens with a newly found strength that is definitely inner. . .
Dinner is prepared and ready to serve by the time her husband pulls into the drive-way. . .with exhaustion on his face and a walk that says, “Oh, what a day!”
The meal is eaten, and time is spent playing with her man and kids . . .then, it’s back to work - washing dishes and putting leftovers
away, in containers with tight lids. . .
Finished there, it’s time to prepare the children for bed. . .and to look forward to a bit of rest and relaxation - after the “goodnights” have all been said. . .
The husband has brought work from work that must be completed before dawn. . .However, she can’t allow herself to fall asleep(because he’ll be in soon) - so, all she can do is watch television and yawn. . .
Finally, she falls asleep and has dreams of a less hectic tomorrow and beyond. . .but, before she knows it, the alarm is ringing loudly - to announce the coming of another dawn. . is no doubt where she’s going or where she has been. . .because she knows that for the sake of her family, it is now time to do yesterday - again!
God’s Creation
When GOD created the heavens and the Earth, he knew that he would be busier than ever before . . . He knew that there would be babies born and cared for, diapers to be cleaned, meals to be cooked – and much much more. . .
There would be cries of fear, anger, frustration, and joy. . .as children of all ages played games, interacted with one another, or failed to share a toy. . .when “no” would be the appropriate response for an inquisitive and covetous ego and mind. . .and that there would be need to provide comfort and solace for a teenager’s pain created by another whose heart he or she could not bind. . .
There would be homework to be evaluated, corrected, and signed
. . .and discipline for even “good kids” who – every now and then – would be mischievous or “get out of line”
. . .there would be young people with lofty goals and dreams to pursue . . .and unpleasant and/or rowdy boy- girl- friends to bid “adieu”. . .all types of situations and circumstances that would call for a cool and calm decision-maker’s hand. . .the need for an individual with a well thought out, proven, and implemented plan. . .
Man would need a companion much more sensitive and sharing than he. . .an entity with a visual presence that would be a joyful and welcome sight to see. . .a being willing to be gracious, gentle, and to care. . .one with the fortitude and willingness to make a continuous effort to always be “there” . . .
So, God, sitting on his heavenly throne and surveying the totality of his creation. . .decided to provide man with a help-mate filled with wisdom and dedication. . .to make the world a more kind and caring place. . .and to soften the effects of the turmoil and strife of life’s rapid pace. . .However, only once a year does society pay official honor to God’s gift’s to existence. . .But there ARE those who are ever mindful of the magnitude of woman’s motivation, comeliness, and persistence. . .in seeking to make the world a more pleasant place in which to live. . .and to truly understand that among life’s greatest qualities is the power and willingness to give. . .
As there is also a need to give credit where credit is due. . .know that these simple words were designed to express gratitude and to give thanks to those of you. . .
who have accepted the fact that God is the creator of all, and is the architect of the universe’s master plan. . .who, in his greatness and wisdom, made woman the mother of man. . .
For those who have suffered sleepless nights because of a baby’s call or cry. . .
For those who, though frustrated, were able to respond to an adolescent’s demand of “why”. . .
For those strong enough to discipline a teenager after a third or fourth chance. . .
For those who have pondered the whereabouts of a child—after the end of a sporting event or school dance. . .
For those who have wept and prayed about a child’s sudden change in behavior. . .
For those who have cajoled and demanded that children worship properly and give thanks to the Lord and Savior. . .
For those who have gone out of their way to provide sons and daughters with the best proms ever. .
For those who took the extra step to console a child about a first love that would leave them “never”!
For those who have prepared their children to become the best person she or he could be. . .
For the mother who has experienced, endured, and achieved all of these with and for me. . .
For you –Mother-who has been there for my every call, cry, and need. . .
For you-on this special day- for all of your consideration, caring, accomplishments, and deeds!
Sorrows will come and sorrows will go – with the help
Of mothers, who always seem to know. . .that, in life, the bitter must be taken with the
Whether one is rich and glamorous—or has minimal shelter and very little to
Eat. . .And, indeed,
Every day is a new adventure for
Those who endure the agony and the pain. . .so that we can walk through life – in the
sunshine and in the rain. . .
Poetic Presentations of Emotions, States of Being, and Conceptual Constructs #2
King E. Carter
The soldier has existed, persisted, and resisted for many years. . .to protect, to serve, to produce, and to prevent tyranny and tears. . .
From the dawn of history, the military fighter has been called upon to perform duties that others have only heard about . . .Indeed, the others have only hearsay and media accounts to even imagine an injurious or death-dealing shout. . .
The American soldier has evolved and diversified to battle an array of threats to the nation. . .Army, Air-Force, Marines, Coast Guard—all have functions to deal with a detail situation. . .
And those who have and are serving are a very special breed. . .fighting, bleeding, and, dying for the American tradition and creed. . .
At the dawn of the country’s birth during the Revolutionary War. . .men and women fought through dirt, mud, and the cannon’s roar. . .to create 13 colonies that were designed to spread and grow. . .into 50 individual states, at a pace both fast and slow. . .creating a country that, in the future, battled against itself. . .in the mid-1800’s, to settle a matter of human freedom versus servile wealth. . .
Over 550,000 individuals were killed because politicians and citizens could not agree. . .that a large portion of their country had a human right to be free. . .
World War I was a major foray into international affairs. . .seeking to protect the lives of others and to promote their desires and cares. . .
Ultimately, the forces of freedom were able to overcome and prevail. . .so that the world could, for a period of time, settle matters through verbiage and wail. . .until the rise of Adolph during the 1930’s and 40’s, when the world exploded in fire and flame. . .The American soldier and their allies went forth again to destroy, to protect and, ultimately, to tame. . .the forces of imperialism set forth by the German politicians and military . . .Proving that fighting for world order was not too big of a burden to carry. . .
The Korean War showed its face in the 1950’s, with America as the most significant participant on the side of the United Nations. . .and forced a settlement that remains, even today, as the most agreeable basis for relations. . .
However, conflict in Indochina, became known as the Vietnamese War. . .and lasted from 1955 – 1975, involving countless corps and producing many tales of lore. . .
Military personnel were forced to fight two conflicts in one. . .the first on the battlefield, and the second, at home, when they were done. . .
Many were killed and more were subjected to injury and continuous pain. . .as they fought in environments of bullets, chemicals, and monsoon rain. . .
Even today many of these fighters feel abandoned and unappreciated for the duty they were called upon to perform. . .and too many have been stationed in a slow-moving storm. . .where housing, medical and psychological services have, at times, been slow in being appropriately delivered . . .leaving many in diverse outlands, unfed, uncovered, unhoused, and shivered. . .
One would think that the government and citizens would have learned from the experiences of the Vietnam American fighter. . .how to better prepare for making lives of future veterans more comfortable and brighter. . .
However, the experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq have shown that some lessons are never learned. . .that those in the forefront of protecting the country have rights and services that they have justifiably earned. . .
So, on the eve of this national holiday, I wish to send out thanks, salutations, and appreciation for all those who have chosen to play. . .a role in fighting for their country’s freedom—those living and those who can no longer enjoy the festivities of Veteran’s Day. . .
Poetic description and history of the Coronavirus During the Pandemic
King E. Carter
Informally, I am RONA or THE RONA but, formally, I am Coronavirus or COVID-19. . .and millions fear me even though I cannot be seen. . .
The average person knows little about me and the expanse of my influence. . .However, my family is large enough to guarantee my forever continuance. . .
But, first things first, I told you my name but not what I am... although I have killed more people than your world wars, gangsters, and serial killers like the Son of Sam.. .
I am a submicroscopic operative with the power to duplicate within the living cells of a pathogen. . . I infect myriad life forms from the largest animas to the smallest known microorganism. . .
I may or may not be a living entity because I cannot replicate myself without a host. . .I must invade a living cell to transport myself from the state of ghost. . .
My family is larger than one can perceive, with over a million now known on the human plane. . .However, we mutate so rapidly that an exact number is impossible to explain. . .
Scientists discovered my brethren in 1892, but we are the most numerous forms of biological organism. . .and our primary method of transportation is inter-species tourism. . .
However, continuing my introduction, I am not a scientific creation. . .not a figment of some creation theorist’s overactive imagination. . .
I was certified “natural” by an international team of doctors on March 18, 2020. . .They found that traces of human manufacture pf elements were not any. . . A comparison of genome sequences for my known strains. . .easily proved that nature, not a laboratory, is responsible for many of the world’s pains. . .
Did you know that coronaviruses have existed for over 15 years. . .? Spreading illness, disease, and death throughout the world, along with fear and tears. . .
My first severe manifestation was the severe acute respiratory syndrome, also known as SARS. . .leaving people wondering if their breathing apparatus was not meant for this world, but for Mars. . .
That was in 2003, and emerged within the nation of China, within the geographical region known as the Far East. . .Then, in 2012, I revisited the world from Saudi Arabia as the Middle East respiratory syndrome—the MERS beast. . .
Both epidemics have either remained or passed on in the forms of mutations. . .But, in a strange pattern of being, I made my way back to one of my favorite locations. . ..
Doctors know but the masses do not seem to understand that I frequently visit where I have been. . .despite the visitation patterns of my Sister Flu, who returns yearly—a practice that will never end. . .
In fact, my genealogical line dates back farther than humans can factually state. . .We have been here so long that it is impossible to name a date. . .
Researchers have determined that we have been infecting biological entities for over 300 million years. . .when we emerged in such force that we disrupted the insectums’ survival gears. .
Lessons from Life’s Road II: Pondering, Punditry, and Poetic Wisdom of a Traveler
King E. Carter
Selecting statements – out of context – to prove a point or to support a position is not the promoting of accurate information. . .It is, in fact, a distortion of the truth used by deceivers, cons, and politicians for selfish and devious purposes. . .Those who allow such statements to form the basis of their decision-making foundations are of worse character than the creators lies and misinformation. . . because they possess the chance, the right, and the choice to verify what has been said, promoted . . .and, for what purpose. . .
Love is like a flowing river traveling the length of Life’s reality. . .flowing for various lengths of time, from long and short periods until finality. . . There are bottlenecks and speedways, where matters come fast and furiously . . .Sometimes, too fast and with such force that it is difficult for the traveler to see. . .There are stretches of time when the movement is comfortable and smooth . . .and there are periods providing the sailors with a false sense of solace and soothe. . .There are rough spots with waves churning dangerous and high. . .providing an illusion of a transparent impenetrable barrier from water level to the sky. . .There are travelers who learn from each repeated experience and step. . . and there are those who learn nothing and, thus, are in a state of constant wept . . .The wisdom is that, while young and strong. . . gain knowledge and wisdom that will make this journey happy, meaningful and strong. . .
I am a tear, salty and wet. . .I flow because of sadness, for a lost love or pet. . .My journey is rapid, moving in a voluminous and uncontrollable pace. . leaving the tracks of my presence on an individual’s face . . .
I am a tear, watery and clear. . .I flow as a manifestation of happiness, celebrating my love’s acceptance of someone dear. . .My journey is spontaneous, moving at an un-choreographed speed. . .leaving a glow representing the life I plan to lead. . .
A Poetic Narration of Fact and Fantasy
King E. Carter
Standing before the Heavenly Gates was a genuine, bona fide fool. . .with no doubt in his mind that his living of life would make it easy for St. Peter to rule. . .
He had lived according to the biblical interpretations and teachings of his pastors throughout his years. . .warning him of how to act, what to do, and the need not to have fears. . .
So, as he stood and waited his turn in line, there was no doubt that he would be allowed in. .. for he had been told, time and again, that he belonged to flocks rejecting licentiousness and sin. . .
It seemed almost immediately that he was in the presence of St. Peter. . .who would acknowledge the Fool’s value on Earth as a true believe and evil beater. . .
“Greetings,” said St. Peter, “I have been expecting you and many of your kind. . .I expect them to constitute an extremely long and curving line” . . .”
Why,” said the fool, feeling anxious, nervous, and puzzled in a somewhat unexpected sort of way. . .Not really what he anticipated on this long awaited and hoped for day. . .
Looking into a gigantic ledger of voluminous daily personal accounts. . .seemingly for every living being, from humans to dogs to even catamounts. .
St. Peter: “I see that you have above average intelligence and performed well on all levels of school. . .proving that you, over the years, decided to embrace the role of a fool” . . .
“Sir, I was always taught that I was created by God to carry out His commands and will. . .St. Peter’s returning look, however, did not produce a warmth but, instead, elicited a chill. . .”
“However, often, you decided to ignore and misuse what you were blessed with and given. . .committing major mistakes, short comings, and failures, all for which you were forgiven. . .
The true Master of the Universe, not those proclaiming to be his representatives on Earth, . . .provided all you needed to survive and succeed as the best possible person from your first second of birth. . .
Let us go back about 2 years ago, when your foolishness began to soar on eagle wings. . .and an ignorance-based, illogical, and ideological song you began to sing.. .
Since that time, all that God sent you was rejected because of earthly fantasy and stupidity. . .with a convenient, politically based constant and consistent fluidity. . .that, many times, violated the literal dictates of the Bible’s 10 Commandments. . .for what seemed to be mystical and magical fairy tale enchantments. . .
Information was even supplied via your favorite mode of communicative interaction. . .Messages are sent using social media operations, even though some individuals view it as an intellectual distraction. . .
The first one introduced the virus that brought about your demise. . .and those that followed were devised to prevent you from being surprised. . .
Christian Time: The Poetic Calendar
Old & New
King E. Carter
Always seek answers from the highest authority…not from a
Sister, brother, or member of your sorority…about the
Kinds of experiences one goes through while traveling the road of life…. about
Going down those roads that allow you to avoid the toil and strife…. that
Only humans seem to have as a core of their existence. . .
Don’t you know that these problems can only be solved at God’s insistence?
Joy of living begins
Anew. . .and,
Nuances of the past become more focused in view. . .when one begins to
Understand. . .that his or her
Actions should be consistent with GOD’S plans. . .
Receiving a blessing from above is always within
Your scope. . .for when you believe in the BIBLE you are
guided by more than hope!
God is the be-all and the
End-all of creation. . .The
New, the old -
Every living creature, every inanimate object, and every emotion and
Sensation. . .And,
I am more grateful for being able to
Survive daily turmoil and strife. . .while I travel the road leading to
everlasting life!
For those seeking the serenity of
Everlasting life. . . follow the dictates of the
Bible for
Resolutions involving manmade turmoil and strife. . .
Utilizing the
Answers that are presented there. . . will
Result in spiritual peace, and place
You on Heaven’s stair!
The Weighing Game : “Weighing Your Priorities)
The Weighing Game
Knowledge by the gram
Knowledge of self by the ounce
Knowledge of others by the pound
Knowledge of relationships and
personal interactions by the ton
Knowledge of God incalculable
The Weighing Game
Prayer by the gram
Prayer to benefit self by the ounce
Prayer to benefit family by the pound
Prayer to benefit country by the ton
Prayer for peace and prosperity
throughout God’s creation incalculable
The Weighing Game
Loving self by the gram
Loving family by the ounce
Loving friends by the pound
Loving neighbors by the ton
Loving and utilizing it to
better the existence of all incalculable